Business Central Quick Start Sales Commissions iDynamics

Sales Commissions

Easily manage and automate your internal and external commissions with our Quick Start Sales Commissions module in Business Central, powered by iDynamics.

Quick Start Price:



The Starter

Quick Start Description

Elevate your commission management with iDynamics Commissions, the top solution for handling commissions in Business Central. This app simplifies the entire process, from straightforward to complex commission structures, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. Automate transaction recording, track sales targets, and quickly settle commissions – all within Business Central, eliminating manual errors and freeing up your time.

The app also offers robust reporting features, providing clear insights into sales performance and commission payouts. This transparency boosts sales team motivation and aligns efforts with business goals, driving growth and profitability.

With iDynamics Commissions, you gain a comprehensive tool that not only streamlines operations but also enhances your ability to scale and adapt as your business evolves. Whether you’re dealing with simple or intricate commission plans, this app ensures everything runs smoothly, helping you focus on what matters most – growing your business.

This module provides training on the functionality in the solution and assistance in setting up for your business.

Pain Points

Does your business suffer from any of these? If so, our Quick Start Sales Commissions module can help you to address these pain points and make your business more efficient and productive.

  • Manual Calculation Errors: Struggling with frequent errors in manual commission calculations, leading to disputes and dissatisfaction among sales staff.
  • Time-consuming Processes: Spending too much time on manually tracking, calculating, and settling sales commissions, diverting resources from more strategic tasks.
  • Complex Commission Structures: Difficulty managing and accurately calculating complex commission structures, especially with varying rates, tiers, or incentives.
  • Delayed Payments: Frustration from delays in commission payouts due to slow or cumbersome processes, affecting employee morale.
  • Inconsistent Reporting: Challenges in generating accurate and timely reports on sales performance and commission payments, leading to poor decision-making.
  • Lack of Transparency: Issues with providing clear and transparent commission data to sales teams, causing mistrust and confusion.


  • Commission groups for salespeople, customers or items
  • Sales territories based on customers, customer sites, countries or post codes
  • Commission assignment rules to determine who receives commission on orders
  • Define sales team with assigned manager. Assign targets for individuals, teams or managers
  • Direct commissions:
    • Combine customers, suppliers and item to determine rates
    • Take into account date and profitability of sale
  • Sales target commissions:
    • Define sales periods
    • Define milestones within period (IE for monthly commission payments within year)
    • Base on date order placed or invoiced date
    • Define target ranges for % of target achieved 
  • Assign salespeople to projects
  • Review and adjust commissions
  • Settle at point of invoice or point of payment


Microsoft Dynamics Business Central - modern finance and ERP software


iDynamics Add On Business Central Quick Dynamics Quick Start Sales Commissions

Business Central is part of the Microsoft ecosystem of solutions that work together and scale as your business grows. Get seamless cloud access to real-time data connected to Microsoft 365 (OutlookExcel, and Teams) and Microsoft Copilot

iDynamics Commissions is the go-to app for managing commissions in Business Central. It handles everything from simple to complex commission structures, making the process faster and easier. This boosts accuracy while saving you time and resources.

Easily manage sales targets, track commission periods, automatically record transactions, and quickly settle commissions – all within Business Central.

Are you ready to build your Quick Start solution?

If you think you know what your business requires then complete our 5 minute Quick Quote Questionnaire. This no obligation estimate will give you an idea of the total cost to implement Business Central.

If you’re still not entirely sure what you require or would like some more information then contact us so we can discuss it further.

Business Central Quick Start module