Business Central Quick Start Simple Stock

Simple Stock

If you are struggling with your stock then our Simple Stock Quick Start module will get you up and running with items and stock management in Business Central.

Quick Start Price:



The Starter

Quick Start Description

If your business has a requirement to manage stock items and levels within Business Central then the Simple Stock module will get you started.

Manage your inventory in multiple locations and carry out regular stock takes to ensure your stock levels are accurate.

We will provide training on everyday use of the stock system for your key users and import your item data and opening stock levels and values.

If you have complex requirements such as item tracking (serial or batch) or cycle counting you might want our Complex Stock module as well. We also have offerings for Supply Planning and Basic Warehousing.

Pain Points

Does your business suffer from any of these? If so, our Quick Start Simple Stock can help you to address these pain points and make your business more efficient and productive.

  • No stock management in place
  • Lacking clear visibility of what stock you have and where it is
  • Inaccurate stock levels leading to overstocking or stockouts, resulting in lost sales or excessive costs
  • Separate systems to manage your stock
  • Manual calculation of stock valuation
  • Rekeying and reconciliation of stock valuation into your finance system
  • Manual or disjointed order processing leading to delays, errors, and poor customer satisfaction.


  • Create and manage items
  • Multiple stock location
  • Stock levels, management & stock takes
  • Inventory costing (FIFO or Average)
  • Include additional stock costs (such as shipping/import charges)
  • Item pricing and discounts per customer/customer groups
  • Manage lead time, price & discounts for multiple vendors per item
  • Single unit of measure per item
  • View item availability by location, date & event
  • Fully integrated with general ledger


Microsoft Dynamics Business Central - modern finance and ERP software

Streamline and grow your business with Dynamics 365 Business Central, a comprehensive business management solution for small and medium-sized businesses.

Business Central is part of the Microsoft ecosystem of solutions that work together and scale as your business grows. Get seamless cloud access to real-time data connected to Microsoft 365 (OutlookExcel, and Teams) and Microsoft Copilot

Are you ready to build your Quick Start solution?

If you think you know what your business requires then complete our 5 minute Quick Quote Questionnaire. This no obligation estimate will give you an idea of the total cost to implement Business Central.

If you’re still not entirely sure what you require or would like some more information then contact us so we can discuss it further.

Business Central Quick Start module